142nd Annual
Strathardle Highland Gathering
& Agricultural Show
Saturday 23rd August 2025
Agricultural Show
Convenor: Fiona Drysdale
Commentator: Mr David Leggat
Click or the 2024 Show Results
Cattle Judge: Neil Caul, Balkello
Class 1 ~ Stot Calf by
Charolais/Simmental Bull (born before 1st January, 2024)
Class 2 ~ Stot Calf by any other
breed of Bull (age as above)
Class 3 ~ Stot Calf, any native breed
(age as above)
Class 4 ~ Heifer Calf by
Charolais/Simmental Bull (age as above)
Class 5 ~ Heifer Calf by any other
breed of Bull (age as above)
Class 6 ~ Heifer Calf any native
breed (age as above)
Class 7~ Stot Calf by
Charolais/Simmental Bull (born on or after 1st January, 2024)
Class 8 ~ Stot Calf by any other
breed of Bull (age as above)
Class 9 ~ Stot Calf, any native breed
Class 10 ~ Heifer Calf by
Charolais/Simmental Bull (age as above)
Class 11 ~ Heifer Calf by any other
breed of Bull (age as above)
Class 12 ~ Heifer Calf any native
breed (age as above)
Class 13 ~ Pair of Heifer Calves, any
Class 14 ~ Pair of Stot Calves, any
Class 15 ~ Suckler Cow in Milk
PRIZES: 1st £8 - 2nd £7 - 3rd £6
Adamson Cup - Best Stot Calf by
Charolais /Simmental Bull
S.A.I. CUP - Best Stot Calf by any
other Breed of Bull
Woodhill Cup - Best Heifer Calf by
Charolais /Simmental Bull
Davidson Cup- Best Heifer Calf by any
other Breed of Bull
Cloquhat Quaich - Best Spring Born Calf bred
by Exhibitor
Wester Kinloch Trophy - Best Pair of Calves
Balmyle Cup - Best Cow
Hay & Co Cup - Supreme Champion
Herdman’s Tankard - (Most Points)
Hay & Co. Medal - To Herd with most points
SHEEP - Judging commences 9.30am
Prime Lambs: George Whyte, Lintibert
Cross Breeding Sheep: Bobby MacKenzie, Glebe, Boat of Garten
Blackface Sheep North Type: Duncan Beaton, Newmill of Inshewan Memus
Blackface Sheep South Type: William Dunlop jnr, Elmscleugh Dunbar
Prime Lambs
Class 16 ~ Pair of Leicester Cross
Class 17 ~ Pair of Blackface Wedder
Class 18 ~ Pair of Lambs, BF Dam (by
any other sire)
Class 19 ~ Pair of Suffolk Cross
Lambs (BF Dam)
Class 20 ~ Pair of Suffolk Cross
Lambs (Mule Dam)
Class 21 ~ Pair of Suffolk Cross
Lambs (any Dam, under 80kg)
Class 22 ~ Pair of Suffolk Cross
Lambs (any Dam, over 80kg)
Class 23 ~ Pair of Lambs (any other
breed, under 80kg)
Class 24 ~ Pair of Lambs (any other
breed, over 80kg)
Cross Breeding Sheep
Class 25 ~ Pair of Mule Ewe Lambs
Class 26 ~ Pair of Cross Ewe Lambs,
any other breed (Judged for Breeding purposes)
Class 27 ~ Pair of Mule Gimmers
Class 28 ~ Pair of Cross Gimmers
Class 29 ~ Pair of Mule Ewes (nursed
a lamb this year)
Class 30 ~ Pair of Cross Ewes (nursed
a lamb this year)
Blackface Sheep North Type
Class 31 ~ Aged BF Ram North Type
Class 32 ~ Shearling BF Ram North
Class 33 ~ BF Ram Lamb North Type
Class 34 ~ BF Ewe, reared a lamb
North Type
Class 35 ~ BF Ewe 1 crop, reared a
lamb North Type
Class 36 ~ BF Gimmer North Type
Class 37 ~ BF Ewe Lamb North Type
Group of Three BF Females North Type
& Group of Three BF Males North Type
Blackface Sheep South Type
Class 38 ~ Aged BF Ram South Type
Class 39 ~ Shearling BF Ram South
Class 40 ~ BF Ram Lamb South Type
Class 41 ~ BF Ewe, reared a lamb
South Type
Class 42 ~ BF Ewe 1 crop, reared a lamb
South Type
Class 43 ~ BF Gimmer South Type
Class 44 ~ BF Ewe Lamb South Type
Group of Three BF Females South Type
& Group of Three BF Males South Type
BF Shearling Ram, BF Ram Lamb, BF
Ewe, BF Ewe 1 Crop, BF Gimmer, BF Ewe Lamb
PRIZES: 1st £7 - 2nd £6 - 3rd £5
Chick Ferguson Rosebowl - Best Pair of Blackface
Wedder Lambs
Robertson Trophy - Best Pair of Prime Lambs
(BF Dam)
Bibby Shield - Best Pair of Suffolk Cross
Lambs (BF Dam)
Angus Marts Trophy - Best Pair of Cross Lambs
MacDougall Trophy - Supreme Championship in
Prime Lamb Classes
Balvarran Cup - Best Pair of Mule Ewe
Wester Bleaton Trophy - Best Pair of Cross Ewes
Balgairn Cup - Champion Cross Female
The Pitcarmick Cup - Best Adult Male Sheep
The Straloch Cup - Best Adult Female Sheep
The Constable Trophy - Best BF Ewe Lamb
Messrs Keir & Cawder -
Best BF
Tup Lamb
The Blackhall Trophy - Best Sheep in Shepherds
W.S. McDonald Trophy - Group of Three Females
Ashintully Trophy - Group of Three Males
R.Young - Supreme Champion North
Macdonald,Fraser & Co - Champion South Type
Forfar Mart Trophy - Best opposite sex South
Jenny Stewart Trophy - Best BF Ewe Lamb South
Dave Stewart Trophy - Best Ram Lamb South Type
The Sandy Webster Memorial
Trophy - Group
of Three Females (South Type)
The Lady Nairn Trophy - Group of Three Males
(South Type)
Amory Cup - Best Breeding Female Sheep
in the Show
Shepherd’s Tankard - Most Points
Hay & Co. Medal - To Flock with Most Points
Agricultural Show Kindly sponsored by:
ABP Food Group, RM Welch, East Coast Viners, WJ McIntosh, East of Scotland Farmers, Pentland Auctions, JK Phillips, United Auctions, Starlyne Minerals, Thrums Vets, Davidsons Farm & Country, Aberdeen & Northern Marts.
Stock Field kindly donated by the Duncan Family
Stock Field kindly donated by The Duncan Family
Sheep Judging gates kindly provided by Algo